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Total of 2354 records 118 pages

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Entry: pɛnna:N
Grammar: n.
Meaning: third younger sibling, same sex as ego
Derivation: [< na:N younger sibling, same sex as ego]
Comments: cf. cɔk0na:N, na:N.
Entry: pɛ:maʔ, -pɛ:r-/-pɛ:-
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Grammar: vi.
Meaning: fly
Comments: cf. phɛ:maʔ.
Entry: pɛpmaʔ, -pɛtt-/-pɛt-/-pɛʔl
Grammar: vt.
Meaning: drag, draw
Comments: yǝmba siNbo:N mɛ-bɛtt-u (big tree nsAS-drag-3P) They dragged the large tree; ali-:n pɛtt-u-N (furrow-ABS draw-3P-1sA) I plough a furrow.
Entry: pɛrɛm
Grammar: adv.
Meaning: on a horizontal plane, i.e. not uphill, not downhill (Nep. terso)
Comments: khɛʔyo:lam aNga pɛrɛm pe:kʔɛ And from down there, I'll proceed along a horizontal plane; cf. saNmaN, thaNmaN.
Entry: pɛttɛktɛkpa
Grammar: n.adj.
Meaning: chattering, blabbermouth, full of hot air, unreliable
Comments: kɔN a:kkhya:k pɛttɛktɛkpa mǝna gɔ:! What a blabbermouth!
Entry: pɛttɔk
Grammar: adj.adv.
Meaning: in many short strides (of a person's gait), in quick small steps; pitter-patter (on short legs)
Comments: pɛttɔkʔaN pɛttɔk a:tto: tha:siN? Where is he pitter-pattering off too?
Entry: pǝila
Grammar: adv.adj
Meaning: first.
Derivation: [< Nep. pahilā]
Entry: pǝkɔ:ndi
Comments: vide ca:maʔ (4).\x
Entry: pha
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Grammar: n.
Meaning: bamboo.
Entry: phaʔaN
Grammar: sub.
Meaning: that, if that be the case, whether
Derivation: [*pha- sub. + -ʔaN pfG]
Comments: (vide 9.2); lu, tɔr-amm-ɛʔ phaʔaN tha:ʔr-u-N-si-N (alright, ridicule-2p-IMP if-so leave behind for-3P-1sA-nsP-1sA)\x Alright, go ahead and make fun of him, if that be the case, I'll leave it behind for them; khɛnɛʔ kɛdzo:guba ya:mbɔkʔin po:ksɛi: mɛbo:ksɛnni: phaʔaN se:ndo:mɛlle po:ksɛ gɔrɔ cumille 'wɛndu' amɛʔl If you ask a friend whether his working is going alright or not, and it's going alright, he'll say 'It's getting along'; cf. Nep. bhanera.
Entry: phaʔlapmaʔ, phaʔ-lab-/phaʔ-lap-
Grammar: vt.
Meaning: clear land by fire, burn dried weeds or raked up leaves, burn vegetable refuse.
Derivation: [< *lapmaʔ discard; cf. laʔphe:maʔ, laʔphumaʔ]
Entry: phaʔmaʔ, -phaʔr-/-phaʔ-
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Grammar: vt.
Meaning: help someone, assist someone.
Entry: phahɔk
Grammar: n.
Meaning: bamboo integument, bamboo shells or casings which are shed as the bamboo plant grows
Derivation: [pha bamboo + hɔk rind, cortex, husk, cf. phak- hɔk, siNhɔk]
Comments: Nep. ba_s paṭya_s, ba_sko khapactā, ba_sko khapiṭā.
Entry: phak
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Grammar: n.
Meaning: pig.
Entry: phakhɔk
Grammar: n.
Meaning: the gutted carcass of a slaughtered pig
Derivation: [phak pig + hɔk rind, cortex, husk, cf. pha- hɔk, siNhɔk]
Comments: Nep. khokpā; cf. mɛlluN.
Entry: phakkho:N
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Grammar: n.
Meaning: feeding trough for pigs.
Derivation: [< phak pig]
Entry: phakma
Grammar: n.
Meaning: sow.
Derivation: [< phak pig]
Entry: phaksa
Grammar: n.
Meaning: pork.
Derivation: [phak pig + sa meat]
Entry: phaksaʔl
Grammar: n.
Meaning: piglet
Derivation: [phak pig + saʔl o saʔ child, offspring]
Comments: cf. ko:co:saʔl, luNsaʔl, mɛndaʔsaʔl, myaNsaʔl, pusaʔl, waʔsaʔl.
Entry: phakso:ʔl
Grammar: n.
Meaning: pork fat.
Derivation: [phak pig + so:ʔl fat]
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